Meet Dr. Dafna

Dr. Dafna is founder and CEO of Mindsets Empowerment Institute. Her extensive background has supported numerous individuals in surmounting challenges, crystallizing their principles, and constructing a pathway to triumph. Dr. Dafna is an adept and seasoned speaker and coach specializing in catalyzing personal transformation. Those who have benefited from her guidance have communicated elevated self-assurance, adaptability, and well-being in both their personal and career domains. She has additionally collaborated with clients spanning diverse sectors such as public safety, healthcare, finance, and human resources. Drawing upon her considerable tenure, she has facilitated individuals and groups in conquering hindrances, enhancing performance, and attaining aspirations. Her methodology is comprehensive, tailored, and outcome-oriented, spotlighting distinctive strengths, principles, and ambitions. Dr. Dafna holds an M.A. in Organizational Management, an M.S. in Mental Health, and a Ph.D. in Psychology.

My Story

After several years of downplaying my value and underestimating my potential, I experienced a profound realization that shook me to my core. It became clear that one of the primary barriers preventing me from living a life congruent with my aspirations and principles was none other than myself. Specifically, the limiting beliefs and doubts that I had allowed to govern my thoughts had become significant hindrances. After a prolonged period of self-doubt, I made a commitment to change my mindset and embrace my inner strength to fully realize my potential and pursue my passions.

Through this transformative journey, I uncovered my passion for living a life that I truly deserve. I believe in living and loving what you do. That’s why I’m dedicated to empowering other women to step out and challenge themselves from their own healing and tap into their unique inner strength, and pursue what’s best for them, allowing them to lead a life they genuinely deserve!